Payroll & Compliance services

We provide customised payroll processing services ensuring that our client's employees get paid on time, thereby increasing employee satisfaction. Besides, technical advice in designing an optimal salary structure and effective and meaningful analysis of data for management decision-making we provide the following services:
Our firm offers expert accounting solutions and by outsourcing part or all of your accounting function you can get on with what you do best. Our services incorporate the complete range of Accounting (including Ind AS / IFRS), Taxation, Payroll and Legal functions and as a client you will be able to utilise a huge base of skills and services which are as flexible or continuous as you need them to be.
  • Payroll processing that will be undertaken on a monthly basis
    • Processing of time office data to credit to employee's bank account
    • Updating of Masters and Employee footprint
    • Incorporating any wage structure changes
    • Reimbursements in the nature of Cash / Voucher adjusted in the payroll including ad-hoc payment, performance-based payments, medical allowance, etc.
  • Automatic arrears computation for cases such as
    • Delayed wage revisions
    • Retrospective adjustments
  • All Statutory requirements as per the requirements of various regulatory authorities as well as a comprehensive tax module
    • Income Tax compliance
    • Profession Tax compliance
    • PF compliance
    • ESIC compliance
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